Our Team
Stefan Zdravkovic
Stefan Zdravkovic
Main Driver of the Senior robotics team. He loves to work around robots, and eats a concerning amount of apples. "Ah, it'll be fiiiiiinneee."
Alex Lasenby
Alex Lasenby
Secondary Driver of the Senior robotics team. Is a logical thinker and has had an intrest in robotics and computer science for many years. "Should be 'right."
Max Pearce
Max Pearce
Builder of cool robots, He's had a passion for technology since he was a little boy and has been a member of the robotics club from the very beginning. "Close enough."
Petar Zdravkovic
Petar Zdravkovic
The meme material of the team, can be seen applying memes to the robots while working. "iT dOesNt mAtTeR iF wE aTtaCk dUrInG wINtEr"
Chris Adams
Chris Adams
The organiser and scout for the junior team who often gets too stressed at the smallest issues. "hey what's that?"
Oliver Gracewood
Oliver Gracewood
The main builder and captain for the junior team, loves problem solving and obviously needs attention because he plays the trumpet. "I take a stealth check."
Eddie Schaufelberger
Eddie Schaufelberger
Driver of the Junior team, plays too much TF2 and is slightly disapointed that the robots don't destroy each other. Plus a nerd. "*clears throat*"
Tony Schaufelberger
Tony Schaufelberger
Programmer of the Junior team, likes to do mathematics and is obsessed with creating his own entire universe too himself. "Good job, you rolled a 1"