Our Robots
Professor X-Drive
Image of Professor X-Drive #1 Image of Professor X-Drive #2 Image of Professor X-Drive #3 Image of Professor X-Drive #4 Image of Professor X-Drive #5 < >
The 2017-2018 season Seniors main robot. With its fluent 6-bar lift and unique 6 high-strength motor X-Drive, it's bound to not disappoint. Although it's not the best robot around the block, it proved to be a big learning curve for the Senior team. The photos you see above were mostly taken at the 2018 Nationals, held at Pinehurst School in Auckland.
Speedy Junior
Image of Speedy Junior #1 Image of Speedy Junior #2 Image of Speedy Junior #3 Image of Speedy Junior #4 Image of Speedy Junior #5 < >
After our 2017-2018 season ended, we decided to revisit an idea for a robot we had more than 2 years ago - Speedy. Speedy would have had 2 wheels which were geared to hell, so that its top speed could be (in theory) comparable to that of a cars. Unfortunately, we didn't get around to making it them - but we did now! This kid has a top speed of around 14km/h (4m/s), this guy can be difficult to match pace with! He also has a 'steering wheel' at the front of the robot, which gives it some ability to also turn.