New Zealand. The pride and joy of the pacific. Surrounded by water, it's one of the most natural places left on earth, with scientists scrambling over one another to get a look at this haven of nature.

Plants and animals located in NZ were able to live and survive in (almost) complete isolation from the outside world, thriving in a pest-free land for thousands of years. Infact, renowned naturalist David Bellamy called New Zealand 'Moa's Ark' after it's native, but now extinct, giant flightless bird: the Moa.

Unfortunately, with the introduction to man and their disease to this wonderland, New Zealand's condition has degenerated. It's easy to forget New Zealand is one of the most deforested nations on Earth, with only 25 percent of our native forests left untouched. And still, most of these small pockets of beautiful and unspoiled forests are on the west coast, where they are largely inaccessible.

Image of New Zealand

So, come with me on the voyage of a life time, while we explore what's really going on with our precious waterways, and what we can do to help!